Programme bases and principles
We are a conservative party, rooted in the Judeo-Christian European cultural heritage. We care about the moral values which come from its spiritual legacy and traditions.
We are a democratic party based on the idea of freedom and humanism, which survived even the period of totalitarianism.
For future generations we want to maintain and cultivate Czech culture in all fields, knowing that the capability to be open to new ideas will restore the culture heritage to life, and our culture will be led to a higher level.
We don´t want to be popular at all costs, and especially not for unrealistic election promises. We are prepared to speak openly about problems and to suggest solutions. Inadequate promises can cause serious problems in future and end up the source of general dissatisfaction with politics.
Our main task is to maintain the stability of the public budgets, which means dealing with an aging population. Life expectancy is improving and with the growing standard of living, requirements for the pension and health systems are growing, too. If the high-quality health system is accessible for everybody and human life is lived in a dignified way until the last days, both systems have to be reformed and have to be free of all dogmatic prejudices. We say frankly that it is not possible without increase of participation of all people. The sooner we do it, the more room there will be for public response to the changes effected.
We feel our responsibility and we realise that our lives are limited by time, and we do not want to be scorned by future generations. That is why we are obliged:
- not to increase public debt and not to burden the future of our children with unmanageable interest resulting from this debt.
- to follow the principles of sustainable development, to take care of the environment and to be active in avoiding dangerous changes to the climate, to emphasize energy savings in all fields of human activity, and to increase the share of energy from renewable sources.
We bear our share of responsibility for the liberty and safety of all people in the world. We understand the NATO treaty not only as our obligation towards our allies, but also as part of our own safety.
The only tool leading to wealth and prosperity is free market, regulated by clear and transparent rules, which are supervised by effectively working institutions. The more liberal market we have, the stricter the rules we must implement for it.
Profit must not take precedence over justice and morality. Respecting justice and ethics must be a basic requirement for making a profit.
We make an effort for social cohesion - both intergenerational solidarity and solidarity to weak, ill and handicapped people. But the social system cannot serve as an alternative for work and demotivate the whole society. We reject all forms of discrimination.
The basic condition for a dignified life in a prosperous society is safety, international stability and peace. We are convinced that the strong and unified position of the European union is also in the interest of Czech citizens. Therefore we support the operations and agreements which lead to this position.
Relationships within NATO have the same importance for us and are a crucial condition for the security of Europe and all the world.
Prosperity and competitiveness is impossible without high level of science, research and education. Investment in them has to be the first social and budget priority. The personal motivation of students (which does not have a character of discrimination) will help to improve the level of high school education. Together with this system, a grant system for all kinds of study expenses has to be introduced. This combination will ensure that no talent will be lost for social reasons.
We fight against corruption rigorously. We defend the interests of taxpayers against organised groups with specific interests (known as lobby). Equal opportunities are limited by actions of these groups and the costs of national budgets are increasing. Their activity has to be limited by strict rules comparable with the situation in other developed countries.
Individuals who work hard, who have higher education or who get new experience cannot be punished by taxes and payments. We will simplify the tax system; we will create one collection point and one control institution.
Administrative costs have to be reduced. Operations of the civil service have to be simplified and speeded up.
There can never be enough smiling. Not to smile at somebody all day long is a crime.

TOP 09 thinks about the future
The Czech Republic is a country with a rich culture and history, which is part of the European cultural heritage. It is we who shape our country. However, we must not stop there. It is our duty to one day pass on our state to future generations in a better state than we took it over.

TOP 09 presented three pillars of its direction: pro-Western orientation, introduction of the euro by 2030 and environmental protection
At the programme conference, TOP 09 set out clear programme priorities for the coming years in the most important areas. The conference had a clear motto: "To lead the country out of the crisis." During the two days at the Clarion Hotel in Prague, opinions were expressed on the energy crisis, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and climate change.