How to vote in the European Parliament elections from the Czech Republic
EU citizens residing in the Czech Republic can vote in the EP elections from their registered address in the Czech Republic.

First, you need to register. How?
If you want to vote you must be at least 18 years of age by 25 May 2019, and you must have a permanent or temporary residence in the Czech Republic for a minimum period of 45 days.
For your registration you will need your residence document (a copy of the original will suffice) and your ID or passport. With these documents, you can apply to be registered to vote at the municipal office of the municipality where you are registered as a resident.
If you have previously voted in the Czech Republic, you do not need to register again, but you should request a data transfer from the Permanent Voter List to the European Parliament electoral roll in the municipal office.
The deadline for the registration and data transfer is 2 p.m. on 14 April 2019.
This enables you to vote in the elections that will take place on Friday 24 May between 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and on Saturday 25 May between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. You will be informed of the location of your polling station when you register at the municipal office.
How do I vote?
You should bring your ID or passport for your identification.
You will receive a set of ballots and an envelope. Upon entering the voting booth, you can choose one ballot or you can support up to two candidates by circling their number. If any candidate receives 5 % of the party votes, he or she will move to the first position and has a greater chance of being elected. However, granting preferential votes is voluntary. After the selection process, insert the chosen ballot in the official envelope and put it in the ballot box.