European standards of living for all
The coalition between STAN, regional political movements, and TOP 09 introduces its priorities for the EP elections
Today, the chairmen of Starostové a nezávislí (STAN) and TOP 09, Petr Gazdík and Jiří Pospíšil respectively, signed a contract for their co-operation in the 2019 EP elections, to be held in May. Together with other pro-EU parties and movements, they will collaborate on a roll of candidates for the elections.

The first candidate will be Jiří Pospíšil, while the second candidate will be the current MEP Stanislav Polčák (STAN). The parties also introduced their election programme, which focuses on a European standard of living for all citizens, safety, environmental issues, and the effective use of subsidies gained from European funds.
“We have been successful in creating a broad coalition of Czech parties and movements which are positively inclined towards Europe, while also being prepared to critically identify and face problems which are currently faced by the EU. It is crucial that Czech and Moravian regions also have a voice in the EU,” says Petr Gazdík.
“This coalition is proof that Czech political parties and movements are capable of cooperation in the interest of our country. We represent a liberal and pro-EU, but at the same time down-to-earth, stance towards the EU, and we will be active in seeking solutions to the problems that our citizens face. Our ambition is to continue to work together in future domestic elections,” adds Jiří Pospíšil.
“What we have to offer is our long experience with helping smaller towns and municipalities in gaining European aid. We are familiar with the problems these municipalities face and we will actively represent them in Europe, in order to improve the living standards of their inhabitants,” states Stanislav Polčák, who is the chairman of SMS ČR, the Czech Association of Municipalities.
“The European Union is not only a free trade grouping or a source of cash: it is much more than that. It is a project that aims to unite Europeans and supersede that, which separates them historically, religiously, economically, and culturally. We ought to respect and recognise this more, and I am certain that we will repeat this again and again during our election campaign,” contributed Luděk Niedermayer, who is the coalition’s third candidate.
The coalition has also introduced the aims of their programme, among which securing a European quality of life for all citizens of the EU and reducing prevailing differences in standards of living between European regions is key.
The list of TOP 09 and STAN coalition candidates in the 2019 European Parliament elections:
- JUDr. Jiří Pospíšil, 43, lawyer, chairman of the board of directors of Museum Kampa, MEP, Prague, TOP 09
- JUDr. Stanislav Polčák, 39, university lecturer, chairman of the national association of municipalities SMS ČR, MEP, Prague, STAN
- RNDr. Luděk Niedermayer, 53, MEP, former vice-governor of the Czech National Bank, Měchenice, TOP 09
- Ing. Radim Sršeň, Ph.D., 39, mayor, university lecturer, Czech representative in the EU Committee of the Regions, representative of the Olomouc region, vice-chairman of STAN, Dolní Studénky, STAN
- Mgr. Petr Štěpánek, Csc., 53, natural scientist, mayor of Prague 4, chairman of Strana zelených (Green Party), Prague, Strana zelených, nominated by STAN
- PhDr. Marek Ženíšek, Ph.D., 40, CEO of the think-tank TOPAZ, politologist, Plzeň, TOP 09
- MUDr. Gabriela Pecková, 62, doctor, Prague, TOP 09
- Ing. Pavel Pavel, 62, experimental archeologist, Strakonice, JIHOČEŠI 2012, nominated by STAN
- Mgr. et Mgr. Pavlína Springerová, Ph.D., 42, dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové, Hradecký demokratický klub (Democratic Club of Hradec), nominated by STAN
- PhDr. Kateřina Bursíková Jacques, 47, director of the Centre of Business and Education, former chairwoman of the Czech parliamentary Committee for European Affairs, Prague, Liberálně ekologická strana (Liberal Ecological Party), nominated by TOP 09
- Vojtěch Vais, 26, lawyer, Kosmonosy, TOP 09
- Ing. Petr Kulhánek, 48, human resources manager, vice-chairman of the Association of Towns and Municipalities for the EU, Karlovy Vary, Karlovarská občanská alternativa (Citizens’ Alternative of the Karlovy Vary region), nominated by STAN
- Mgr. Kryštof Čižinský, 37, lawyer, Prague, no political affiliation, nominated by TOP 09
- JUDr. Karolina Žákovská, Ph.D., 43, lawyer, university lecturer, representative of Ústí nad Labem, 3. vice-chairwoman of Strana zelených (Green Party), Ústí nad Labem, Strana zelených, nominated by STAN
- Prof. RNDr. Jakub Hruška, CSc., 54, natural scientist, university lecturer, Prague, TOP 09
- Mgr. Josef Horinka, 50, mayor of Hrádek nad Nisou, representative of the Liberec region, Hrádek nad Nisou, Starostové pro Liberecký kraj (Mayors for the Liberec Region), nominated by STAN
- Radovan Auer, 44, director of the Svět knihy fair, Šumperk, TOP 09
- Ing. Michaela opltová, 33, mayor of Kozolupy, winner of the Best Mayor of the Plzeň Region 2014-2018 competition, Kozolupy, STAN
- Mgr. Ing. Roman Haken, 56, advisor, Platform of non-governmental non-profit organisations, Prague, Liberálně ekologická strana (Liberal Ecological Party), nominated by TOP 09
- Mgr. Matouš Vencálek, 30, researcher in religious studies, publicist, chairman of Strana zelených (Green Party) in the South Moravian region, Brno, Strana zelených, nominated by STAN
- Bc. Lukáš Otys, MBA, 34, media consultant, businessman, Karlovy Vary, TOP 09
- Ing. Daniel Černý, 46, commercial director, Chomutov, no political affiliation, nominated by STAN
- Bc. Tomáš Ignác Fénix, 38, private ecological farmer, vice-president of the European Board of Young Farmers, Pravice, TOP 09
- Ing. Mgr. Hana Vacková, 64, high school teacher, Olomouc, Strana zelených, nominated by STAN
- Mgr. Terezie Radoměřská, 50, translator, author, Prague, TOP 09
- Petr Kutílek, M.A., M.S., 43, university lecturer, representative, expert on foreign affairs, Prague, Strana zelených (Green Party), nominated by STAN
- Mgr. Radek Zapletal, 47, technician at BOZP and PO, businessman, Velký Vřešťov, TOP 09
- Alois Ullmann, 34, financial specialist in IT, vice-chairman of the iČesko Party, Praha, iČesko, nominated by STAN