Luděk Niedermayer
Head of the Czech National Delegation to the EPP Group in the EP
Luděk Nidermayer was born on 13 March 1966 in Brno, where he studied Operations Research and Systems Theory at Masaryk University (formerly UJEP). Before starting his political career, he worked as a director at Deloitte ČR (2008-2014) and as an employee of the Czech National Bank (1991-2008), where he was a member of the Bank Board since 1996 and its Deputy Governor since December 2000. He was reappointed to the position of Deputy Governor by President Havel in 2002 and thus became the first member of the Bank Board to complete two statutory mandates.

He started his political career in 2014, when he was first elected to the European Parliament. Since then, he has already defended his mandate once in 2019, and in the upcoming elections he will again ask for the trust of the citizens in the position of the leader of the TOP 09 candidates on the joint candidate list of the SPOLU coalition.
In the European Parliament, he is a member of the European People's Party (EPP), where he and the KDU-ČSL form a joint national delegation, which he was elected to lead in 2014. This term, the Czech delegation is working closely with a group of Slovak MEPs in the EPP. As head of the delegation, he is a member of the EPP's political group leadership, where he participates in shaping its policies. At the group level, he was responsible, for example, for the economic aspects of climate protection policy.
His work in committees focuses mainly on economic issues, which makes the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON), where he holds the position of First Vice-Chairman, the focus of his work in the European Parliament.
In the ECON Committee during this period, he was responsible in particular for the proposal for amendments to the EU's anti-money laundering rules (AMLD) and the modification of the bank resolution framework (CMDI). He also contributed to the development of new fiscal rules in the EU. He has been a speaker at many conferences or meetings.
In addition, he is a member of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Affairs (FISC) and serves as an alternate member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN). He also serves on the Delegation for relations with the United States and is an alternate member of the Delegation for the Korean Peninsula and the Delegation for relations with Belarus.